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Do stars and planets really affect our lives?

The secret connection between you and the Universe.

Many people ask us curiously whether the stars and planets and celestials really affect our lives and how to understand the same; do I have to know astrology to make sense of my life? The simple answer is that one does not even have to know astrology or zodiac signs or any such in-depth knowledge in order to make sense of the reality around us. You need to simply pause and observe the natural order of life weaved around and where you stand in this vast creation.

How to be mindful and beat karma?

They say, ‘action speaks louder than words’. This is true of everything in life. Much like the arrow that has left the bow and will never return, so too our intention-filled actions put out in the ethers of nature cannot be retrieved by us. The Nature (the all-pervading Dharma) brings it back to us in bounties at a certain ripe time. This is known as ‘karma’. The word karma denotes actions or deeds; but an action is not to be seen in isolation. Every action carries within it the seed of a deep intent, thought, contemplation and emotion.

How past life regression during a healing session corrected a child’s behaviour?

Nikhil* was a hyperactive boy brimming with all the antics of an eleven-year-old when he was brought by his parents for a Yogic Healing session. The parents were worried because their child’s performance at school was deteriorating and sought the help of many therapists and child psychiatrist. The teachers had observed that Nikhil was not able to focus like other children at class and often looked out the window.

Vedic Astrology

Do stars and planets really affect our lives

Posted On: 23-Jan-2023


How to be mindful and beat karma?

Posted On: 23-Jan-2023

Yogic Healing

How past life regression during a healing session corrected a child’s behaviour?

Posted On: 23-Jan-2023


The Yogi-saint who lived for 3000 years – Decoding the body-mind-soul connect.

Posted On: 06-Feb-2023


Why do we make a prayer at the end of a Yoga session?

Posted On: 06-Feb-2023

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